Best Treatments For Ulcerative Colitis

Nearly a million people across the United States deal with the inflammatory bowel disease called Ulcerative Colitis. While not fatal by any stretch of the imagination, Ulcerative Colitis can be something quite uncomfortable to live with.

This piece will identify common symptoms associated with this inflammatory bowel disease. This will include both causes and risk factors. From there, treatment plans will be discussed.

Causes of Colitis

Reports indicate that the exact cause of colitis appears to be unknown at this point. Some believe that poor diet and unneeded stress may contribute to spurring up symptoms — though those ideas may be inconclusive at this time. Some doctors do believe that Colitis may be hereditary in nature. As such, it may be more common in people with family members also possessing it.

Risks Factors Associated With Colitis

Studies indicate that most people with Ulcerative Colitis don’t see any warning signs until after their 30th birthday. However, it can pop up essentially at any age (even into one’s later years). Studies also indicate that Caucasian people (specifically people of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage) may have a higher likelihood of having Ulcerative Colitis.

Symptoms of Colitis

There are a number of symptoms associated with Colitis. Abnormal/consistent pain emanating from the rectum or abdomen could be a cause for concern. Persistent bloating and cramping within the abdominal region is normally a tell-tale sign. From there, gastrointestinal problems may pop up. Those with Colitis often have a regular urge to poop. Duly, these people may also suffer from both constipation, or the common appearance of blood in one’s feces. Lastly, a combination of general fatigue and constant diarrhea are linked to Ulcerative Colitis.

Treatment for Colitis

Fortunately, there are a number of treatment plans available. A diagnosis will come after extensive testing (blood tests, colonoscopy, stool sample, x-ray, etc.). For many, doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. Inflammation often occurs in the intestine, and thus these drugs help to manage pain associated with the Colitis. Duly, some will take a mixture of antibiotics and over-the-counter pain relievers (such as Tylenol). Lastly — and in absolutely extreme cases — surgery will be done.

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